RCC Program
Registered Company Coordinator (RCC) Program
Our chapter's vision is to be recognized as a vital and innovative leader in project management practices and a respected community contributor by promoting awareness, effectiveness and value to local practitioners and organizations.
The Registered Company Coordinator Program is a channel into local companies and organizations. It is your opportunity to be an active part of the chapter and represent PMI to your peers within your company, while also promoting project management. Chapter members become the liaison between the chapter and their employer. The RCC is in a unique position to provide a wealth of information about PMI, the FW chapter, PMI certifications, and opportunities for project management development to your peers. Some RCCs hold company specific events, brown bag lunches or other opportunities to learn more about project management
Program Objective: To develop stronger relationships with local employers who (as evidenced by their chapter membership) promote and value project management as a critical competency within their business. To that end, this program strives to improve communications, coordination and recruitment of prospective chapter members.
- Attend RCC meetings (quarterly or as scheduled) to share ideas and discuss upcoming events
- Communicate to company constituents on chapter events, news, PMI certifications, etc.
- Promote PM best practices within your company
- Sponsor PM best practice sharing/learning events at your company (and share with other RCCs)
- Post shared project management materials within your company to the RCC repository
- Monthly communication & promotion to PM community within company on chapter events and news
- Documentation of company best practices for posting & sharing on RCC repository
The following companies and chapter members are currently participating in the RCC program:
- Alcon - Elvira Garcia
- BNSF Railway - Angela Jones
- City of Fort Worth - Gregg Heinzman
- GM Financial - Tammy Fulcher
- Lockheed Martin - Alan Fletcher
- Sabre - Charlene Dunn and Bonnie Crawford
- Sogeti Capgemini - Murali Ramdas
To learn more about the RCC program, contact Julie Farmer at rccprogram@fwpmi.org.
To apply for an RCC position, please submit an application through the PMI.org VRMS.
RCC Program Qualifications
Interested in being a Registered Company Coordinator? Here’s what we look for…
- Your organization has 50 or more employees (not necessarily all local to Fort Worth).
- Your organization currently has at least 4 FW PMI chapter members (although exceptions can be made).
- You are a FWPMI chapter member in good standing and you work for the company you will be representing (and ideally hold a PMI credential).
Benefits of being an RCC
- Valuable networking and collaboration experience.
- Recognition within your organization and among the project management community.
- Volunteer service such as the RCC program qualifies for PDUs (recertification points).
Measures of RCC Success
- Increased Project management awareness within your organization.
- Increase in number of chapter memberships from those within your organization.
- Increase in number of PMI certifications within your organization.
Increase in number of company employees attending chapter sponsored events.