Academic Outreach

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Fort Worth PMI members teach project management concepts to
4th graders at Lone Star Elementary in Keller


Fort Worth PMI partnered with Lone Star Elementary School in Keller, to provide specialized training for the campus' UCS leaders about project planning and implementation. Lone Star Elementary is one of only 14 schools in Texas with the Special Olympics Unified Champion Banner School (UCS) designation. Unified Champion Schools is a program that promotes social inclusion of students with and without intellectual disabilities through sports, leadership, and engagement activities. The program aims to create school climates where all students feel welcome, respected, and challenged.


The students, in small groups, were assigned to create a model treehouse using project management principles.  They were provided with a set of requirements, a list of materials and project team descriptions.  The students then designed their treehouse and built their model within a specified window of time (1 hour). 

"PMI provided valuable support to our Special Olympics Unified Champion School’s mission of bringing together students with and without intellectual disabilities to create accepting school environments," said Lone Star Elementary's UCS Advisor Kelly McCormack. "Our leaders really embraced this training activity, and it only further solidified the importance that working together on a project in which all abilities matter truly makes a difference in the educational journeys of students and the memories that will stay with them for a lifetime."

Students shared that they learned about working as a team to make sure everyone participated. They also learned that they had to schedule their time so they could get the work done on time. 


Academic Outreach Team

This team strives to advance the profession and practice of project management by developing relationships with local academic institutions (middle school, high school, colleges and universities).   They create awareness of PMI Education Foundation and academic standards and work with these institutions to create demand for project management programs, clubs and curricula.

Do you remember being a student? If you could go back and give your young self the project management skills you have today, how would your personal and academic life have been different? Or consider this: How much more could your favorite charity accomplish if it applied project management principles?  And what is the likelihood that project management tools could impact the future of classroom learning and nonprofit success?

It’s not only possible, it’s happening!

When you partner with the PMI Educational Foundation, you empower people to become leaders and effective problem-solvers. You help them reach their full potential to change the future. PMIEF has inspired people around the world to use project management for social good®. We hope you will make a gift of $25 today to ensure that this work continues!

You know the power of project management in your own life; now give back by renewing your support today. Change lives through your gift to PMIEF