IIL Free Webinar - Understanding and Interpreting Generative AI Output for Project Management

Ways of Working

Beyond the Black Box: Understanding and Interpreting Generative AI Output for Project Management

Webinar Overview (from IIL website):

AI produces remarkable outputs, but understanding how it arrives at those conclusions remains elusive. This lack of transparency raises valid concerns for project managers:

  • Trust: Can we truly trust AI recommendations without comprehending their reasoning?
  • Accountability: How can we hold ourselves accountable for decisions based on opaque models?
  • Bias: What if the AI’s “black box” contains biases from the data it was trained on?

AI can become a powerful ally but with one crucial caveat – understanding and interpreting its recommendations. In this webinar, we will explore the secrets of leveraging Generative AI effectively. It is a powerful tool waiting to be harnessed. As project managers, we need to embrace transparency, interpret outputs, and lead our teams toward successful project outcomes. Let us step beyond the black box and shape the future of project management together!

What You Will Learn

After this one-hour session, learners will be able to:

  • Develop a scoring system: Create a comprehensive rubric to assess AI recommendations
  • Compare with Baselines: Benchmark the model’s performance against simpler methods
  • Perform sensitivity analysis: Explore how variations in input data can impact the recommendation, highlighting potential vulnerabilities

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Type of category: Third party event

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: March 18th, 2024

Hour: 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Number of PDUs: 1


Members: Free

Non members: Free
